Opera 是来自挪威的一个极为出色的网络浏览套件,具有速度快、节省系统资源、定制能力强、安全性高以及体积小等特点,目前已经是广受欢迎的浏览器之一。多文档接 口 (MDI)、方便的缩放功能、整合搜索引擎、快捷键与鼠标手势、浏览历史记忆、防止恶意弹出窗口、全屏模式、对 HTML 标准的支持、整合电子邮件与新闻群组以及让用户自定义按钮、皮肤、工具栏等等,都使 Opera 多年来倍受喜爱。
Official ATI Catalyst WHQL release supporting ATI Radeon HD 5800 series GPUs
ATI Catalyst 9.10 now includes full GPU support for the award winning ATI HD Radeon 5800 series GPUS!
Super Sample Anti-Aliasing for the ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series
ATI Catalyst 9.10 provides support for a new Anti-Aliasing method on the ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series. Users can now experience the high level of anti-aliasing image quality using Super Sampling anti-aliasing while maintaining good performance levels.