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BSPlayer Pro v2.0.937









发表于 2006-6-20 16:11:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 山西省太原市
BSPlayer is a Windows ® player that plays back all kinds of media files ( avi / mpg / asf / wmv / wav / mp3...) and specialises in video and divx playback.

http://rapidshare.de/files/23541 ... _v2.0.937_.rar.html

Main Features:

- Support for all popular media formats
- Support for new file formats such as Matroska and OGM with embedded chapters, subtitles and multiple audio streams
- Pan-scan and custom pan-scan option
- Support for multiple audio streams and switching between them
- Support a lot of subtitles formats (MicroDVD, SubRip, Subviewer...), custom subtitles position, color, font, transparency...
- Support switching between multiple (different language) subtitles
- Fast forward and fast rewind option
- Frame stepping
- Frame capture
- Bookmarks support
- Chapters support
- Equalizer
- Multilingual
- Fully skinnable
- Custom aspect ratios
- WinLIRC support
- Almost every action can be assigned to user selected key (even two keys) and different keys can be assigned for full screen and windowed mode
- Every action can also be assigned to WinLIRC button
- Support Winamp DSP plugins
- Multiple audio stream switching
- Command line support
- Playback of incomplete AVI files and locked files (files in use, files still downloading or recording)
- BSI/INI files support and dynamic DirectShow filters loading (so everything can be burned on CD and played without installing anything)
- Plugin support

BSPlayer Pro v2.0

The best multimedia player – you said so yourselves!
The BS.Player™ has always been easy to use and as technically perfect as possible. You yourselves have proven that the above statements are true. The BS.Player™ has at least one huge, yet simple advantage – it simply WORKS!
It also uses the processor efficiently, and even those with slightly less capable computers can enjoy quality picture and perfect sound.

Which file formats does it support?
Video: avi, mpeg 1, mpeg 2, xvid, divx, 3ivx, ogg, ogm, matroska, asf, wmv...
Audio: wav, mp2, mp3, ogg...
Photo: jpeg, gif, bmp (required DirectX 9)

The best tool for managing and reproduction of multimedia content
Since its beginnings, the BS.Player™ truly has been one of the best video players in the world. With the new version we wanted to go even further. We wanted to make the best tool for managing and reproduction of all the multimedia content: video, music, TV and radio programmes (classical and web-based), teletext, podcasts and webcasts, and live-streaming application. We are glad with the BS.Player™ 2.0 we have done it.

Have you noticed anything new? We call it a smart look
We are well aware of the fact that the quality of a player is much more important than its fancy look, but still. You are looking at the BS.Player™ with a new, prettier, more modern and most of all more user-friendly look. We call it a smart look as it enables easy access to all most frequently used features and actions.

With our users in mind, both computer enthusiasts and those whom browsing through the player and seeking hidden functions is not exactly something up their street, we created a modern look which sets new standards to such application designing and enables easy and intuitive use of the player.

BSPlayer 也是一款 Windows 下虽然外表朴素但音质出色的播放器,它支持所有流行的音乐格式(avi/mpg/asf/wmv/wav/mp3...),适用于所 有windows 系列操作系统。

1、支持 winamp 的音效插件如 DFX,原来是用 DFX 听 mp3,想不到现在 用 DFX 看电影,真是爽。在 bsplayer 的音频设置那儿指定 winamp 的插件目录,前提是你已安装了 DFX。
2、支持 Divx、字幕、ac3 音频,最有特色的是有字幕修正功能,可以设 置字幕的速度和延迟。
3、支持当前几乎流行的所有格式,如 AVI、MPG、ASF、WMV、Divx、VOB 等,具体在一般设置那儿。
4、桌面播放功能,在播放电影的时候,在电影上点鼠标右键,能看到有 一个桌面模式的选项,点上去后电影就变成了一个壁纸了,这对于一 边聊天一边看电影真是爽极了。
5、非常好的缩放控制,在播放电影的时候换键盘的+或-号可以对电影做 缩放处理,还有很多其它的功能具体使用方法看关于。
6、支持皮肤功能,内置了几个皮肤,我特别喜欢 windvd 那个皮肤。
7、占用资源特别少,因为 bsplayer 可以重置原来的 Divx 选项,用 bsplayer 的默认设置我的 cpu 占用在 50% 以下。

Pro 版增加了很多新功能:
+增加 WMR9 格式支持

Registered User Name: ATHENA OLSON Doan Hieu

Registration code(s): 5D745****3348FB74***33EEF0EDDD1A626B979****1560F



Pro 版增加了很多新功能:
+增加 WMR9 格式支持

用户名:ATHENA OLSON Doan Hieu ┃

For more information please visit the home page.

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