oxygen xml editor 10.0 key(for windows)文件
oxygen xml editor 10.0 key(for windows)文件
oxygen xml editor enterprise w3school 推荐的xml编辑器,支持 xml, xslt , xquery 等。
Supported platforms
oxygen xml editor 10.0 key(for windows)文件
http://www.oxygenxml.com/site-commons/img/sp_mac.gifMac OS X
oxygen xml editor 10.0 key(for windows)文件
<oXygen/> is a complete cross platform XML editor providing the tools for XML authoring, XML conversion, XML Schema, DTD, Relax NG and Schematron development, XPath, XSLT, XQuery debugging, SOAP and WSDL testing.
The integration with the XML document repositories is made through the WebDAV, Subversion and S/FTP protocols. <oXygen/> also supports browsing, managing and querying native XML and relational databases.
The <oXygen/> XML editor is also available as an Eclipse IDE plugin, bringing unique XML development features to this widely used Java IDE.
One of the most important additions in <oXygen/> XML Editor and Author version 10 is the bundling of the schema-aware XSLT 2.0 and XQuery processor from Saxonica. Saxon-SA is now available in all <oXygen/> editions at no additional cost. Version 10 comes with a large number of improvements including a powerful new XML instance generator, better content completion offering proposals from included or imported XML schema or XSLT modules, a better integration of the Intel(R) XML Software Suite and updates of most database connectors, document frameworks and XML,XML Schema, XSLT, XPath and FOP processors. The SVN support was also updated to include Subversion 1.5 features.
There are changes in:
oxygen xml editor 10.0 key(for windows)文件
将附件中的U.class 替换安装目录下 /lib/oxygen.jar/ro/sync/D/U.class(用winrar打开jar包)